Photographer working with communities & charities in north east england

Richard Eyers is a photographer, publisher and geoscientist living and working in the northeast of England. His work explores different photographic mediums, sound and video, to document activity and place, and to give communities a voice.

I’m OK

Mental health has never been more important. This series of photographs and words documents the people Richard meets, photographed in a location of their choice, and sharing their positive thoughts. Their words are unedited.

the ridge

Richard started working with the Ridge SCIO in Dunbar in early 2023, developing new documentary practices, photographing people and activities, and running workshops.


St Abbs Independent lifeboat has operated without the support of the RNLI since 2016, relying solely on public donations. These portraits were made in 2023 in the boathouse in St Abbs, celebrating the volunteers that crew the lifeboat.


Pinhole photography represents the simplest form of picture making, recording images on light-sensitive paper through a fixed aperture. This is slow photography, with exposures lasting from approximately thirty seconds to more than thirty minutes.